How To Keep Your Stuff Secure In A Storage Unit

Posted on: 1 September 2015

If you've watched the hit show Storage Wars you've seen just how easy it is to break into a storage unit. A crow bar, a pair of bolt cutters, and voila! Not to mention that even if you're able to keep the human vermin out the four (or even six) legged variety have entirely different ways to gain access to your stuff. Nothing is sacred, but you can make your belongings safer. Read on to find out how.

Invest in a Better Lock

In some self storage units you will be provided a lock for your use. If that's the case, make sure it's a decent one. Some locks are easier to break than others. Ask your storage manager if the lock has security pins. These tiny parts of the lock make picking it much more difficult. In a normal lock the pins are easily pushed into place with a simple tool. Security pins resist picking because they are serrated like a screw, and this keeps them in place unless the proper key is used. If you are not offered a lock with security pins ask if you can provide your own lock and supply a copy of the key to the office manager.

Keep an Eye on Your Unit

If you were a criminal, you'd probably want to commit your crimes under the cover of darkness, without watchful eyes waiting to witness your debauchery, right? That is exactly how many criminals think, which means that if you are looking to keep a thief away from your stuff, you need to keep eyes on it at all times. Obviously, it's impossible for you to be ever-present, but with the advent of modern technology, someone can be. When you're choosing your storage unit make sure it's equipped with proper lighting and closed circuit video cameras. Doing so creates a less-than-ideal atmosphere for dereliction. 

Make Your Unit Revolting to Roaches

Lots of different pests infest self storage units. Cockroaches, ants, wasps, mice and rats, just to name a few. If going to get something from your unit only to find it infested or, even worse, damaged or destroyed by the little blighters doesn't sound like a good time you will need to take steps to prevent such a catastrophe. 

Step 1: Store the right stuff. Some things just don't belong in storage units. Don't use a storage unit as pantry overflow. Food should be kept and consumed in your home. Keeping it in a storage unit is a beacon to insects and rodents.

Step 2: Make sure everything you store is clean. If you're storing dishes, don't leave any food particles on them, and if you're storing furniture make sure you've vacuumed out the cushions. Tables should be wiped down, and drawers emptied to prevent accidental introduction of edibles into the unit.

Step 3: Wrap any soft items in bubble or plastic wrap. This might sound bizarre, but food isn't the only thing that attracts pests. Many animals and bugs are drawn by the promise of nesting material. Mice in particular are known to infest furniture if it is left alone for too long, or to dismantle it for the fluffy materials inside, which they use to make a cozy bed for themselves and their offspring. Plastic wrap won't necessarily prevent all mouse infestations, but it is a significant deterrent. 

Putting your stuff in storage at a place like National Self Storage - Denver doesn't mean you're giving up on it, and it doesn't have to mean that it's easy pickings for those who wish it harm. With a little foresight and preparation you can create a safe place for your things to wait for your return. 


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