3 Great Tips For Men Shopping For An Engagement Ring At Jewelry Stores

Posted on: 5 September 2018

One of the most special days of your life is when you propose to your significant other. To ensure this goes smoothly, you need to buy her the perfect engagement ring from a jewelry store. This will be easy if you remember these tips. 

1. Come in With a Budget  

The price range for engagement rings varies a lot today. Some rings will range into the hundreds while others can soar into the thousands. So that you don't put yourself in a financial dilemma, always come into the jewelry store with a firm budget.

How much can you afford in an engagement ring? This varies from person to person, but strive for putting down at least three months' worth of pay. You'll then be looking at an engagement ring that's not too expensive or too cheap. Obviously, you can change this price range if you don't make a lot of money. Just be sure to stick to your budget and avoid impulsive buying.

2. Research the Different Metal Bands 

A huge factor that will determine the aesthetics of the engagement ring you select is the band material. There are many great options you can select from at jewelry stores today, including platinum, gold, and sterling silver.

Gold is a great conventional choice that offers a sophisticated vibe. It is one of the softer metal band options, so your significant other will need to be careful about wearing it each day. Platinum, conversely, is one of the strongest band materials. It also offers a nice luster. In terms of affordability, you can't go wrong with sterling silver. It's great if you're on a tight budget.

3. Think About Her Style 

When shopping for an engagement ring at jewelry stores, remember that you're looking for her and her alone. It doesn't matter how beautiful you think the engagement ring looks because she'll be the one wearing it for the rest of her life. 

As a result, think about her particular tastes. Is she into contemporary designs or does she prefer modern aesthetics? If you're not so sure, you can always tour jewelry stores with your significant other. See if she responds positively to any of the engagement rings, and if she does, make a note of their style. You'll then have an idea of what she does and doesn't like. 

Nothing is more special than getting down on your knees and showing your loved one a beautiful engagement ring that you worked so hard for. As long as you know what this purchase involves and properly assess your options, you can start your engagement off right.


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