Looking For A Construction Job? Here Are Some Questions To Ask During Your Interviews

Posted on: 20 September 2021

Are you looking to start work in the construction industry? There are lots of job opportunities out there to take advantage of, both long-term and temporary. You just have to schedule some interviews. Here are a few questions to ask potential employers during your interviews:

What, if Any, Tools Will be Required?

One important question to ask potential employers during interviews is whether any tools will be required of you for work, and if so, which ones. You can expect that a basic hammer and a tape measurer will be required. However, some companies will furnish any other tools you will need while others will not furnish everything. Some companies do not furnish any tools or pieces of equipment that would be required to complete a job.

To ensure that you will be able to show up for work every day prepared with all the tools you require, it is important to get a complete list of required tools from potential employers during your initial meeting or interview. This will help you determine whether the job is right for you and help you make an educated decision about whether to accept the job should you be offered it.

What Kind of Worker Protection Is Provided?

It is also a good idea to find out what kind of worker protection will be provided by potential employers during your interviews. If you will be climbing ladders or getting on roofs, will a harness be provided? If you will be working in the rain, will rain gear be provided? Is any kind of personal injury or accident protection offered, even if for a small cost? You should know how much protection you will be afforded when showing up for any job so you can fill in the gaps with your own equipment and insurance options if you want to.

What Kinds of Jobs Will Be Faced Over Time?

Another thing to find out during your interviews is what kinds of jobs you can expect to work on as time goes on. Will you be assigned only to one type of job no matter the project, or will you work on a variety of different jobs? Will you be working on residential properties, commercial properties, or both? Will the work be focused on building, deconstruction, or refurbishing?

You may be asked to do cleanup for project sites instead of doing any actual construction work at all. Knowing about this ahead of time will help you understand what type of work is ahead of you so you can confidently decide whether you want to do that kind of work before accepting any job offer. 

Use these questions once you've found some construction jobs to apply to. 


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