Bees in the Winter: 4 Hiding Places You Should Have Examined By Professionals

Posted on: 17 October 2016

As the seasons transition, wildlife begins to hibernate and settle down for the cold months. During the winter, it's very easy to forget about the possible presence of bees and nests in your home. Even though they may not be actively buzzing around your property, it's easy for a bee population to grow and then create major problems when spring rolls around. If you're looking to keep bees away from your home, then there are four hiding places that you should consider looking at.
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How to Sell Your Scrap Metals and Make Money on Your Home and Yard Clean-Up

Posted on: 14 October 2016

As you clean up your yard and home to get rid of unused, old, broken items, take a second look at some of them to make sure you are not throwing away a metal with value. Items containing metal that may seem like trash can be worth money when you sell them to a recycling or other type of salvage and junk yard. Here are some tips to help you sort out items around your home that contain metal that is worth money.
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5 Must-Know Facts About How The Americans With Disabilities Act Applies To Office Furniture

Posted on: 22 August 2016

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 to help protect Americans with disabilities from discrimination when in public, at work, or using a communications service. Parts of the ADA do apply to otherwise private areas like offices, but many business owners are completely unaware of the requirements that apply to them. Learn the critical facts about how the ADA affects office furniture purchases before ordering products based on assumptions or advertising claims.
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How to Choose the Right Air Compressor Rental for Sandblasting

Posted on: 8 July 2016

If you want to refinish some metal furniture that you have sitting outside your home, then you will need to remove the exterior finish from the metal. While you can sand the paint or the powder coating away, sandblasting is much quicker and easier. If you want to sandblast, then you will need an air compressor to move the sand out of the attached spray nozzle. Renting an air compressor is a good choice if you only wish to complete a single sandblasting job.
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