Improving Customer Trust And Retention Through Digitization

Posted on: 13 May 2020

The one-stop financial services shop is allowing banks to cross-sell retail banking, insurance, auto lending, and investment products. Yet only 36 percent of customers are fully satisfied with their service and 45 percent are not loyal to their bank. The high rate of dissatisfaction makes customer retention more difficult and attrition more likely. Because customer data still sits in silo legacy data systems, banks are becoming less customer responsive and customers more dissatisfied.
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Purchased An Apartment Building Complex? Hire A Property Management Services Company

Posted on: 17 April 2020

If you just purchased an apartment building complex, you know how much work this is going to be for you. If you do not have enough employees to help, you may find that you do not have time to get everything done. To help you, you should hire a property management services company as they can help you in many ways. Collect Rent from Tenants One thing a property management services company can do for you is collect rent from your tenants.
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Take Care To Avoid Blocking An Access Road To A Transmission Tower On Your Property

Posted on: 11 December 2019

If you own a property that spans dozens or even hundreds of acres, it's possible that there may be various elements on the property that you don't own. One example is a transmission tower, which might be situated a considerable distance from your home, accessible via a road. In this scenario, the transmission tower would fall under the category of a property easement, meaning that while it might be on your property, other entities — in this case, the utilities company — would have access to it.
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Benefits Of Drip Hydration Therapy

Posted on: 22 October 2019

Sometimes you don't feel quite right, but you are not sick per se. You may be a bit dehydrated, or perhaps you have overindulged in alcohol or junk food. It is also common to feel depleted and a bit weak after a hard workout or some kind of physical activity. Getting the proper nutrients, vitamins, and water into your body fast can make you feel better in no time. Drip hydration therapy does just that.
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